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Thursday, January 20, 2011


• A Strong password is less susceptible to attack by a Hacker. The
following rules should be applied when you’re creating a
password, to protect it against attacks:

Must not contain any part of the User’s account name

Must have a minimum of eight characters 

Must contain characters from at least three of the following

• Non alphanumeric symbols ($,:”%@!#)

• Numbers

• Uppercase letters

• Lowercase letters

                     Applying Syskey Security

• Go to Start > Run >
Type Syskey 

• Click on Update

• Set Syskey Password,
Confirm the Password
and Click OK

                Change the Boot Sequence

• You should change the boot sequence in the BIOS so that your
computer is not configured to boot from the CD first. It should
be configured as Hard Disk as the First Boot Device. 

• This will protect your computer from the attacking Live CDs.

• You may press Del or F2 Key at the System Boot to go to the
BIOS Setup


          Creating Hidden accounts  in Windows

* Creating Hidden Accounts 

• Use the Net User Command to Create a Hidden Account in Windows:
                Net User Hiddenuser /add

• And then use the Command
               Net Localgroup Users Hiddenuser /delete

• Log Off the Current User, Press ALT+CTRL+DEL combination 2 times
to get the ‘Classic Windows User Login Screen’

• Type the Username as Hiddenuser and Hit Enter, you will get Logged In

Note: This trick will not work in Windows Vista and Windows 7 

           Sticky Keys Backdoor

 • Sticky Keys application can be used as the Backdoor in Windows
Operating System.

• Command Prompt file ‘CMD.EXE’ can be renamed to
‘SETHC.EXE’ in C:\Windows\System32 Folder.

• After this one can hit the Shift Key 5 times on the User Login
Screen and will get the Command Prompt right there. Net User
command can be used to modify User Accounts thereafter.


This is way which hacker or other third part steal your password so try to check this

         Brute Force Attack

• Brute force password guessing is just what it sounds like: trying
a random approach by attempting different passwords and
hoping that one works. Some logic can be applied by trying
passwords related to the person’s name, job title, hobbies, or
other similar items.

• Brute force randomly generates passwords and their associated

• There are tools available to perform the Brute force attack on the
Windows SAM File. Most famous tool available for Windows
User Account Password Bruteforcing is Cain and Abel. Another
one is SamInside.

                   Rainbow Table Attack

• Rainbow Table Attack trades off the time-consuming process of
creating all possible password hashes by building a table of
hashes in advance of the actual crack. After this process is
finished, the table, called a rainbow table, is used to crack the
password, which will then normally only take a few seconds.

• We can use the Live CD to crack the Windows password using
the Rainbow table attack technique. Most famous Live CD
available is OphCrack


Cracking Windows User account Password

• Passwords are Stored and Transmitted in an encrypted form
called a Hash. When a User logs on to a system and enters a
password, a hash is generated and compared to a stored hash. If
the entered and the stored hashes match, the user is
authenticated (This is called the Challenge/Response).

• Passwords may be cracked Manually or with Automated tools
such as a Brute-force method or the Rainbow Table attack.

Net User: Command Prompt

• Windows Command Prompt Utility, Net User, can be also be used to
manipulate the User accounts in Windows.

The Commands are as follows:

• To check the User Accounts: Net User
• To Add a New User Account: Net User Username Password /add
• To Delete a User Account: Net User Username /delete
• To Change the Password of User Account: Net User Username *


3) SRM (Security Reference Monitor)

• The Security Reference Monitor is a security architecture component
that is used to control user requests to access objects in the system.
The SRM enforces the access validation and audit generation. Windows
NT forbids the direct access to objects. Any access to an object must
first be validated by the SRM. For example, if a user wants to access a
specific file the SRM will be used to validate the request. The Security
Reference Monitor enforces access validation and audit generation

• The reference monitor verifies the nature of the request against a table
of allowable access types for each process on the system. For example,
Windows 3.x and 9x operating systems were not built with a reference
monitor, whereas the Windows NT line, which also includes Windows
2000 and Windows XP, was designed with an entirely different
architecture and does contain a reference monitor.

Windows User Account Architecture

• User account passwords are contained in the SAM in the
Hexadecimal Format called Hashes.

• Once the Passwords converted in Hashes, you cannot
convert back to the Clear Text.


2) SAM (Security Account Manager)

• The Security Accounts Manager is a database in the Windows
operating system (OS) that contains user names and passwords.
SAM is part of the registry and can be found on the hard disk.

• This service is responsible for making the connection to the SAMdatabase
(Contains available user-accounts and groups). The SAMdatabase
can either be placed in the local registry or in the Active
Directory (If available). When the service has made the connection
it announces to the system that the SAM-database is available, so
other services can start accessing the SAM-database.

SAM (Security Account Manager)

• In the SAM, each user account can be assigned a Windows password
which is in encrypted form. If someone attempts to log on to the
system and the user name and associated passwords match an entry in
the SAM, a sequence of events takes place ultimately allowing that
person access to the system. If the user name or passwords do not
properly match any entry in the SAM, an error message is returned
requesting that the information be entered again.

• When you make a New User Account with a Password, it gets stored in
the SAM File.

• Windows Security Files are located at


• The moment operating system starts, the SAM file becomes


There are three components of Windows Security:

• LSA (Local Security Authority)
• SAM (Security Account Manager)
• SRM (Security Reference Monitor)

1) LSA (Local Security Authority)

• LSA is the Central Part of NT Security. It is also known as Security
Subsystem. The Local Security Authority or LSA is a key component of
the logon process in both Windows NT and Windows 2000. In Windows
2000, the LSA is responsible for validating users for both local and
remote logons. The LSA also maintains the local security policy.

• During the local logon to a machine, a person enters his name and
password to the logon dialog. This information is passed to the LSA,
which then calls the appropriate authentication package. The password
is sent in a non-reversible secret key format using a one-way hash
function. The LSA then queries the SAM database for the User’s
account information. If the key provided matches the one in the SAM,
the SAM returns the users SID and the SIDs of any groups the user
belongs to. The LSA then uses these SIDs to generate the security
access token.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


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Sunday, January 16, 2011


Google Adsense is the best ad network which provides good and quality ads to your blog or website.If you have a blog or website then put the Google ads in your website or blog and earn money.When you integrate Adsense to your blog or website the Google will start showing ads in your blog or website and any visitor clicks on your ad you will earn money.

There some measures  for getting Adsense account approved because Google will not simply activate your Adsense account there is some things you should know.

Your blog must not contain anything about sex and porn clips.If you put porn clips and pictures in your website or blog then you will not get approved because Adsense does not display ads on such site.

Your blog or website must not contain contents copied from other websites because Google Adsense does not allow for copyrighted content to be copied and used.Your blog or website contain your ideas and your own content made by you.

The blog or website should have 100 visitors daily and the creator or owner of the blog or website should be active and update contents once in a week.

If you haave good content and visitors then no problem otherwise your blog or website should be six months  old.

Do not put your blog or website in paid to click sites or programs and or any other traffic exchange sites for getting visitors such things are not tolerated by Adsense and will not your account approved.

If you follow this things you can get your Adsense account activated easily and there are many other steps also.

Once your account is activated you should not click on your ads because if you click then Adsense account gets banned and Adsense have very strict rules once you are banned then you will be banned for lifetime and cannot participate in Adsense again.

If you do not have blog then there are sites which you can write your own articles and when you have five articles then you can ask for Adsense account activation and once they are approved you earn money for the ads dispalyed on your articles.You can earn money if anyone clicks on the ads displayed in your articles.
The article writing site are


If you do not know how to write articles then no need to worry you can upload pictures and videos and apply for Adsense account and earn money.You should upload your own pictures other copyrighted pictures and upload video or embed it from youtube and  once Adsense account is activated ads will be displayed in side of pictures and videos and any  visitor click on your ads then you will earn money.
The website which you can upload pictures,videos and write articles and earn money is


Be nice with Google Adsense do not try to do any trick or fraudulent activity with Google because Google has worlds best engineers and once you are banned means you are banned for the lifetime.

Friday, January 14, 2011


As you know now every jobless person and other people are looking for earning money online so there are some things which should be followed otherwise you will find that you cannot earn much money from online works.

First up all you should know that you will not become rich through online works within one day or one week or within one month. You should use your time and effort towards it and work according to your skills and slowly you will start to earn money and as time goes according to your hard work and effort your earnings will increase.

Second thing is do not fall in scam sites. Those sites which says pay $5 and earn $500 are scam sites and do not join it and waste your time and money.Those sites which says that you can be rich within one week or one month are most probably scam websites. There is on short-cut for earning money online just use your skills and efforts wisely than you can earn money.

PTC sites are the best site which is easy for begginers to earn money online because it is easy and less time consuming.
If you are a good writer than you can look to write articles and publish it and there are sites which pays for the number of views on your article otherwise there are sites where you can write articles and you can sell your articles and earn money.

Then you can do data entry works and earn money online and some data entry works requires training and some data entry work sites provide training within the site and you can learn it and do the work and earn money.
There are sites which pays you money for participating in surveys and according to the country ways the number of surveys you are getting will decrease. If you live in U.S you would be getting more surveys and earn more money from it.

Remember one thing there is no short cut and fast methods for earning money online it depends upon your hard work and effort. If you are looking for short cut and earn money within one day most probably you will fall is scam websites and loose your money and time.


All of know most of the time our computer hangs or becomes stuck and very slow which makes us bored and angry.I have some tips that can will help your computer to function very smoothly and better running of your computer.

Install a good antivirus software and update it everyday so that virus will not affect our computer.Scan your computer once in a week.When you insert a CD or DVD or USB scan it and check for virus and then use it.If virus affected your computer means it will make the system very slow.

Do not use un-necessary themes and softwares which will cause to the system become very slow.Better use the themes installed on your OS and install the softwares which is supported by the computer.

Regularly clean your system and defragrament it once in a week. Defragrament will help you to free space and speed the system.

Another method to keep your computer active is free the harddisk space. Usually keep the drive space free where your OS files are installed.Usually keep five GB free space on the drive where your OS files are installed. Fully filling your harddisk also slows down your computer usually keep 2-3GB free space on each drive than your computer will not slow down if by doing this your computer speed will increase.

Use the software like TuneUpUtilities to clear registry files and temporary unwanted files it help to speed the system and free the space. You can delete the temporary files by typing the word %temp% on your run menu and new folder gets opened and delete all the files in there because they are unwanted files.

If you have 2GB RAM and 320GB harddisk space and a graphics card then it is better you can windows7 and will not having much problem and if you computer ratings are less than mentioned here than it is better to use Windows XP otherwise if you use Windows7 then it will slow the system.

Clean your computer CPU once in a moth because if dust particles or other things enter your CPU then it will slow the system and is very harmful for HardDisk and RAM and may get damaged.


I know most of them know about PTC websites and some of you are not interested in it because earnings are less in PTC websites but you are completely wrong.If you are smart enough or spent five minutes every day and earn money from it and completely free.

For those who are new to online earning money methods then PTC websites are best for you.Spend everyday five minutes and you can earn money from it.Legit websites give you $0.04 per day that means 4 ads per day to view and if you have refferals then you will earn $0.02 from each refferal.

If you worry that you have no refferal so you cannot earn much money then there is solution for first two months click ads everyday and when you reach $2 you can rent refferals and earn more money. After you earn more money then invest it and upgrade membership and use wisely the money you earned from it then you can earn $20 per day from PTC website.

PTC websites are good for those people who use internet everyday and work with it.Just use only five minutes and earn money.Earlier I did not like PTC sites but later I understood that anyway I am spending time on internet so use some time here and earn money.

Next question is the minimum payout no need to worry about it almost all legit PTC sites minimum payout is $2 and earn easily it.The PTC sites are legit and pays you money.Do not join the PTC website which pays lots of money and minimum payout very high because most probably that sites are scam.

Why wasting time join PTC sites and earn money and do not invest when you join a PTC site at the first time when you get payments from them and site is at least three years old then you invest your earned money.Most of the legit PTC sites are: 

and I am member in this and this are legit PTC site which paid me money and there are other lots of legit and scam PTC sites when you join other just check it and join.


This is a forum where you can get answers for your technical problems and you can earn money from it by answering the technical answers.

Now you can get free support for all your technical problems of your computer freely and earn money also if you post on others problems also get money from it.

The website name is  myaffiliateforum and you can post all doubts and technical problems and you can get answers instantly and freely.

Things to remember in this website is follow the rules of the website and post on correct forums and do not try to advertise on the forum.

You can earn money from the forum site. They pay you $0.03 per post on technical problems and if your rating increase and helpful for others then you can get maximum $1 per post.

The minimum payout of the website is $10 and pay through paypal and payments are done on 13th and 28th of every month.

If you want to get free answers for your computer technical problems and earn money from it go to the below website link.


The society has changed nowadays due to internet and especially this social networks has brought a large change on our society.

Social networks has brought lots of change in our society and changed peoples behavior and life.

Earlier Orkut had lots of influence on people and people enjoyed orkut and its applications. But orkut have less security measures and less applications. But it was the first social network site so people enjoyed it mostly. But so many crimes occurred in the orkut and less security measures orkut was banned in many countries and lost its popularity. According to new time social networks the orkut has less applications.

Facebook is other social network which is most popular and with lots of applications in it.Facebook has lots of applications and many security measures and all countries are supporting Facebook and is not banned by any other country.Facebook is best because it has many applications which will never bore facebook surfing it.

Other one social network which is not popular in U.S and India and popular in other country. This site have unlimited friends and this website have people from all country.Like Facebook it have many applications and and point system and makes this site more interesting and more applications than Facebook.
If you want to join this site the link is below

As internet have lot of influence on society and people this social networks help people to have enjoyment and relief .

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